Wednesday, October 08, 2014

early Wednesday morning

* I hope this day doesn't stink. I have my regular teaching, a student's Master's defense, Elder's Meeting, and Board meeting. I'm just....not real enthusiastic about that much stuff.

* I had a moment of fear last night - eating a piece of the fruit bread and heard a funny gritty sort-of crunch. I spat everything out and checked. No tooth damage I can detect, everything feels normal, but it's hard to shake the anxiety that I have a "silent" crack that will show itself at a later date. I did brush and floss right after and couldn't feel anything wrong but there's still that odd worry  (No, I don't really THINK I cracked the tooth, or I'd be calling the dentist....but it's weird, when I have too much else going on in my life some kind of health-thing throws itself up into my consciousness and reminds me I need to be anxious about it). For the record, I think I bit down on a currant that had its seed still in it, or maybe a raisin with a stem. It's the sort of sound you sometimes get while eating raisins, and because of my crazy sinuses, things sound a lot louder to me that happen in my mouth (hence, my hatred of the sonicator at the dentist). I've had moments before when I was sure I cracked a tooth (or popped a crown) and it turned out to be nothing.

The time before I cracked a tooth, it was on a "dry roasted" peanut that had been cooked way too hard. And while I've heard of people cracking a tooth on something soft like a raisin, it's a lot less common.

* I also dreamed last night that in addition to Ebola being more widespread, there was a respiratory disease (like the flu, but much more deadly and easily spread) going around and I was trying to get through my daily life with people around me dropping like flies. One of those dreams where you wake up and for a moment think it's actually how life is, and then are tremendously relieved to realize it is not. (I've also had similar situations with the "I hit someone with my car and even though it seemed like an unavoidable accident, I'm going to be tried and probably found guilty of something" dreams).

* It's still way too hot here. And too humid. That's probably contributing to my discomfort; I notice I feel more anxious when it's humid, and I wonder if it's an "I can't breathe quite right" reaction (purely physiological) that my brain translates into "You're panicking" (psychological).

* I did finally get to the point where I could play "Blue Skies" evenly enough, and with few enough mistakes, that my teacher could sing along with it. One of the problems I do have, since I just play for myself, is that I do tend to stop and correct mistakes rather than just going on (which is what you have to do when playing as an accompanist or are playing for an audience). She isn't going to teach this winter - because of her work schedule, she'd be driving home after lessons around 7 pm and it's really dark then, and she has a long drive home. So she's going to teach up to the time change, and then pick up again in March when it changes back. I'm not thrilled about that but I understand, and I guess I can practice on my own during the off months. (Maybe some day it will be possible to do lessons via Skype or something? If it comes to that.)

* I'm still having frustrations with that one class. And with one of my intro classes. I don't know if it's just the midterm droop that some people get or what but I feel waning interest in the topics, and I don't quite know what to do. (With the intro classes, there is material that HAS to be covered; it's a common syllabus.) And I don't know; so many of the students struggle with the material. I don't know what to do. I suppose it is just a lot of material to learn and it can be difficult, but....if you're planning on becoming an MD, one thing you have to get used to is learning a lot of stuff that's thrown at you fast....

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