Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Is it weird?

Is it weird that I see some philosophical truths about life in cartoons?

I ran across this again today (it's from the Adventure Time episode called The Creeps) and hearing it in isolation, it struck me:

I don't think I noticed it before in the episode, but hearing the phrase used (slightly out of context) in a parody ("Depressing movie trailer") of the themes of Adventure Time, and it just struck me. (And it's said by BMO, who is my favorite character on there).

And these days, I'm not always so great at finding the light. Oh, I suppose in a long-term sense I am okay at seeing that it's there (or I wouldn't be a Christian), but in the day to day sense, I let things glom on to me and drag me down a little.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This quote is why I like Adventure Time : )