Thursday, September 25, 2014

Just in case

Google is being stupid to me. So this is a just in case, in case I try to access my e-mail and something blows up and I lose Blogger access somehow - I'm not dead.

This could be my cable company being stupid; for years I've had a address that was administered these past few years on a .gmail platform. Now it's telling me to create a .gmail account. I can't access my address, that I've had for fifteen years.

I'm angry. Just leave me the hell alone, Google. You don't necessarily need to track EVERYTHING I'm doing on a single platform, single account. What about people who NEED anonymity, say, for example, a woman who has left an abusive relationship? Oh, she doesn't get Internet access because you need to have her real name and location linked?

Gah. So I can have blogger or I can have e-mail. At this point, I might just keep Blogger and use my campus account for everything. But this is megastupid, google.

So, just in case, there may be a as a new backup. Stupid, stupid google.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Yeah, I've had others tell me this... bummer.