Wednesday, July 09, 2014

wanting to hide

There's been another meeting tacked on to tonight's regular monthly meeting. This is the group that had the acrimonious meeting (people yelling at each other) last time.

Guess when I found out about this meeting? Yeah, about 20 minutes ago. Oh, I don't think that was intentional, it was just one of those things where one person thinks another person is going to notify me and the other person thinks the first person will, so I wind up in the dark to the last moment.


Edited to add: Okay, I take it all back. The meeting was actually productive and calm and it wasn't a bad-news type of meeting, it wasn't a "this person is upset about this thing" meeting, it was a "we need to make some plans for the future" meeting and actually we may have a solution to a problem that will come up at some future time.

And people parted in a good mood and feeling happy towards one another.

I remember reading somewhere that the most fervently delivered prayers are either "Help me" or "Thank You." I have to say I can attest to that second one, I just said it over and over again while driving home. (I really, really hate conflict, especially when it seems to be over things that could be fixed by talking calmly.)

And yeah, I know: I'm way too good at dreading things. (Heh. That would make a particularly unfortunate cutie mark: "My special talent is feeling worried about what might happen in the future.")


I just....I get to points where I'm so DONE with dealing with other people and their issues. I know we're called to love our neighbors but I wish some people weren't so good at making that difficult.

I find myself thinking of a scene from the slightly-older Cartoon Network series "Chowder" (they re-run it on Boomerang). One of the characters - he's supposed to be kind of a Bob Fosse knockoff, maybe crossed with a little bit of Alex from "A Clockwork Orange" - says, at the end of an episode, "All y'alls CRAZY" and stalks off. (But he does it with style: a staircase comes out of the sky and dancer-style, he ascends it. (I think the character's name was Paté but that doesn't really matter). But yeah, sometimes I just want to look at people, go "All y'alls CRAZY" and walk away, go in my house, and close the door.)


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