Saturday, April 23, 2011

One more garden

Got another garden patch - the one under my east-facing bedroom window - cleared out yesterday. (I also found, and "re-homed" yet another rough earth snake. My yard seems to be full of those little guys. Well, they supposedly eat slugs, so they're more than welcome).

I also used the weed-whacker to knock down all the tall grass that had gotten established in the back yard, that I knew I wouldn't be able to mow down.

I decided not to go in and clean my office today - for one thing, I have a couple hours Monday morning before I give an exam when I can work on it, and for another, I want to do more yardwork. (There were severe storms all around me last night - my weather radio kept going off - but none here).

I'm contemplating whether to spend the gas to go to Twin Oaks to have a shot at a bigger variety of plants. Today would be the ideal day for it; next weekend I anticipate being too busy. I'd really like to have my front gardens cleared out too (that will be a couple more hours of work).

I don't know. I'll have to think about it. The upside would be that it would be fun and nice to get out, and I'd be able to get some nice shade perennials for that garden on the north side of my house, plus tomatoes and flowers for the newly-cleared area (I want to put in a couple of tomato plants, but then surround them with marigolds - and there's a reason for that - and then maybe plant some other flowers around them.) And I have one more "box" of my raised beds I've not filled yet; I had been thinking of doing sweet potatoes but could not find starts. (I suppose it's possible Twin Oaks would have them.)

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