Friday, February 25, 2011

Last evening's work



Cream cheese mints.

(*Well, not exactly "suddenly" - you have to mix 3 ounces of cream cheese and one tablespoon of corn syrup with ONE POUND of powdered sugar, which is no picnic to do. And then you chill them for a half hour. And then you mold them, which is one of those idiots-delight things that goes down a lot easier if you can watch television while doing it).

This isn't even all of them...there are a couple more pans drying on the top of my (cold) stove. (They have to sit out for the better part of a day to develop a "crust" on the outside so they don't fall apart)

I actually made two batches; I finished the first one and realized there weren't enough (the church secretary said "we could have as many as 150 people at this.") I think I have just shy of 12 dozen (one gross) of the mints now.

I'm not sure I will bake myself a cake after all; I'm kind of burned out on doing this kind of stuff right now. (Also, the last time I talked to my mother, she offered to make Nusstorte (hazelnut torte) with chocolate ganache when I was up there for my spring break, so I think I will let that take the place of me baking myself a cake. I still reserve the right to ORDER cake with my lunch tomorrow.)

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