Monday, January 18, 2010

If all goes as planned, I should at least have SOME new windows by the end of the day.

I got up at 5 and moved stuff around in my bedroom, pulled down the curtains and blinds. I hope the installers are amenable to doing that room first as it is the one that involves the greatest disruption of my life (there is stuff strewn all over the bed, bookcases are moved, there are now no blinds on the windows). I figured that is also the room that will take the longest to put back together.

I have the day "off" for Martin Luther King, Jr. day. (Though my campus strongly encourages going out and doing volunteer work on this day. And I admit I feel a bit guilty about not doing volunteer work...but then again, I do volunteer work at other times.) I'm going to hope that they get all the windows in in decent time so I can put the blinds and curtains back up, and move things back to where they "should" be.

I'm thinking I might ask the installers to store any windows they don't get put in today in my garage - I can move my car out and it can sit out overnight. Stuff left out in yards has an unfortunate way of disappearing and after waiting as long as I did for these windows, I don't want to have to wait for a replacement order if any were to get stolen. (And yes, it's very commonly tools and construction supplies that go missing.)


We have a new minister at my church. He and his family arrived this week, his first sermon was yesterday. I think he'll be good. (I know there were people who had misgivings as they were "Yankees" - he is from Massachusetts and his wife is from the Pacific Northwest. Of course, I'm a "Yankee" too - and still am to some people - because of my Illinois/Ohio provenance. Funny, I always thought Yankees were people from rural New England).

I always feel like I get a better impression of people from unobtrusively observing them when they are not "on" - when they are in a more casual situation. During the music time before youth group last night (a couple of the 30-somethings have put together a small praise band and they play every Sunday night), I watched them. They had a lot of fun with the songs, they kind of "played around" (there is one where the women sing part and stand up, then the men sing part and stand up, and each was jokingly trying to keep the other from standing up (hands on shoulders, etc.). So they seem to have a sense of fun, which makes me happy. They also made a point of talking with the teenaged youth, and he came up especially to talk with them again during our lesson time, to let them know that if they ever had trouble or needed to talk, he was there.

Both the new minister and his wife are very tall. (They were sitting in front of me for the music time). Mrs. (who is a Reverend herself) is half-a-head taller than I am, and he is even taller - I'm guessing he has to be at least 6' 4".


I'm still working on the Mystery Project - I'm over 1/3 done and the due date of this item is mid to late February, so I have to keep motoring away on it.

I also re-started handquilting the quilt in the frame. This time I am not going to set any kind of due date for finishing it, because it seems like when I do that, I never meet the due date. I will say that I seem to work much better to deadlines for other people - like on this Mystery Project - because I feel a sense of obligation to the person. I guess it's like the old saying about the cobbler's children going barefoot: I can finish projects I am doing for other people, (Well, except for one notable test-knit project) but it's harder for me to finish something for myself.

1 comment:

Lynne said...

There's an elaborated explanation of Yankee:

- To a foreigner, a Yankee is an American
- To an American, a Yankee is a northerner
- To a northerner, a Yankee is a New Englander
- To a New Englander, a Yankee is from Vermont
- To a Vermonter, a Yankee is someone who still has an outhouse

(from a Northerner but not New Englander)