Saturday, January 16, 2010

There, I (hope I) fixed it:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what is sometimes known on the Internets as a kludge:

hopefully I fixed it

I went out this morning and got a piece of tubing. It had a 1" inside diameter and the hose from the washing machine has a 1" 1/16 outside diameter. At first I thought I wasn't going to be able to link up the two, but by heating the tubing in really hot water (a trick I remembered from high school when the guys used to do it to shape their mouthguards for lacrosse), I was able to cram the washing machine hose in there.

Is it an epic kludge? I think that depends on if it works or fails. I will know in just over 6 minutes when the washer starts to drain. (My trial load: a small load of whites, including a pair of pajamas).

The worst possible failure would be if the pressure forces the extension off the hose, and then blows the hose back into the laundry room, where it would then spray all over. A minor failure (I moved the set-up slightly so the end of the washing machine hose is now actually outside of the door, rather than just inside it) would be for the extension to come off.

A success would be for the water to successfully drain.

I will know in a few minutes if my idea was brilliant or idiotic. So I will post an update shortly - either it will be gleefully triumphant or dejected and frustrated.


"I am so smart, I am so smart! SMRT I mean SMART...."

(Except I didn't do anything foolish like burn my diploma. Though I may have danced around a little when I saw the water successfully draining)

Yesssss! It worked. And I hasten to add, I use a "biodegradable" and phosphate-free detergent (well, for most things, and I'll use it until I get the drainage issue fixed) that doesn't have dye or perfume (skin sensitivity issues). So I don't think I'm doing TOO much damage to the natural world by draining my washer out into my side garden. At least, I hope not.

And maybe, just maybe, since I figured out a way around my main problem, that means the plumber guys will call on Monday and they will be able to very quickly take care of the problem in a permanent fashion.


Lydia said...


CGHill said...

At least we know that you've spent some time on