Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I've been playing around a bit with Google street view.

My house is on there. The car must have come through sometime in the winter, I think, the lawns aren't very green and it looks like my Christmas wreath is up on the door. It must have been in the last year or so, because my white mailbox (the THIRD replacement mailbox I've had to do) is there already. And my porch light is on, very likely meaning it was either at the end of last year's Daylight Saving time or the start of this year's, because I have to put the light on so I don't break my neck falling down the porch steps when I leave the house at 6:45 am.

My parents' current house is not on there; guess the car didn't go through their neighborhood yet. But the house I grew up in is. And it makes me a little homesick, though it's been 20 years since I've been back there. Everything is so green! They get so much rain! The yard is so big! and Oh, look how the sad little street trees have grown up nice and pretty!

(This will also serve, if anyone who is reading this knew me "back then" and was wondering...could it be the same girl, I used to know? Yes, maybe it is)

The house was up for sale at the time the photo was taken (I knew that - one of my mom's friends who still lives back there told me).

I also found the apartments I lived in for a few years when I lived in Ann Arbor. That also seems like a long time ago...I guess actually it is, now, nearly 20 years.

I'm not nearly so homesick for old Maynard House. Too much concrete, too much noise, too many self-absorbed self-important people around.


I did a tiny bit of work on the pillowcases last night, but as I had a late lab and an evening meeting, free time was almost nonexistent. I decided though, rather than doing the "efficient" "recommended" way of working - of going ploddingly through each color until every part of the pillowcases needing that color is done - I will do what I feel like, color-wise, when I feel like it. If I happen to run short of a color, I can always buy more - floss is cheap.

I also found that I'm missing the "gold" color I need (I think it's 676). I think that was because the place I bought the pillowcases and floss originally was out of it, and I just figured I'd buy it when I got around to that part. (A quick search of my box of floss fails to turn up that exact color). I'm debating whether to run over to the quilt shop after my piano lesson today and pick up the EXACT color, or to do what I thought I might last night, use a similar color (444). The compulsive part of me wants to insist on getting the EXACT color, but the sort-of-lazy, sort-of-frugal part wants to go "Meh, 444 is close enough." So I don't know.

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