Monday, April 13, 2009

I don't do counted cross-stitch, but I love this sampler.

"Thank you, Internet, for letting me observe so many crazy people at a safe distance" HAH hahahahaha.

I've thought of doing my own embroidered "mottoes" - like the Victorians had up on their walls. But mine would be different. One I have (somewhat seriously) in mind (I just need to draw it out and figure out the "decorations" that would go around the outside) is the quotation from the end of the 1971 Willy Wonka movie*

"What happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted? He lived happily ever after."

(Supposedly that's the right quote; I remembered it a bit differently)

I also have others in mind but that's the main one that strikes me. It's just inertia that keeps me from actually doing it.

*Which is, IMHO, the ONLY movie that's been made of the book. You may say otherwise but Gene Wilder was the PERFECT Willy Wonka for me.

And it's funny - having watched a bit of it over the weekend again - Wilder's portrayal of Wonka is just "off" enough to keep it interesting. There's an underlying sarcasm there...there were moments where he said things, or had an expression on his face, that oddly enough reminded me of House. I wonder if that's why some people respond negatively to the movie - and why some people love it so deeply. (And I wonder what it says that I find a level of sarcasm in my movie/tv characters appealing that I probably wouldn't like at all in real life. Maybe it's the piercing blue eyes that do it, I don't know.)

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