Well, that was a short day.
(And my blaming of the "purple carrot extract" was probably wrong).
Midway through my sole class of the day, I started to hurt. Really hurt. Bad cramps, followed by profuse perspiration and chills and weakness. I know enough anatomy to recognize that it was mainly the "big loop" (the "transverse colon," I think it's called) of the large intestine that seems to be mostly involved. With some cramping in the stomach. (Luckily, I was giving an assessment test so I didn't have to be up and talking).
I was alarmed at first - like any basically healthy person, extreme pain (and believe me, this is pretty extreme) is a very worrying thing. I went down to the office to tell my secretary that I was bailing on my office hours for today, and I described the symptoms to her.
"Oh, that," she responded. "Yeah, my daughter had that same exact thing last week, and your colleague {name redacted} just got over it. It's some kind of a virus."
So I have a diagnosis, a probable source of infection. Which saves me from doing what I was thinking of doing - going to the Urgent Care (because I tend to interpret bad pain as "some organ that I can't live without is failing"), sitting for a couple hours surrounded by people with strep and other issues, and then having the doctor tell me to go home and drink ginger ale.
Which I can do with cutting out the middle man.
So I am. I'm at home, in my jammies, with a bottle of "ginger beer" (that's what Target calls their fancy good ginger ale) next to me. And one of the delights of a wireless laptop connection is that I can set up on the coffee table and try to write the exam I was going to write today and I can also watch cartoons or old movies while I'm at it.
I'm not sick often, and I'd frankly prefer NOT being sick, but this set up makes it a bit easier.
I will try tea a little later but I think this is going to be a "just clear liquids" sort of day.
I hope you feel better soon.
Stomach bugs are the worst. I hope you get over it quickly.
-- Grace in MA
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