Today is Veteran's Day.
It is also the 90th anniversary of the "official" (well, on the Western front at least) end of WWI - "the 11th hour, of the 11th day, of the 11th month" as the saying used to go.
I am often a little surprised (but probably should not be) about the number of people in my generation and younger who do not know why today is "Veteran's Day." (It used to be Armistice Day, and I guess it's still often called that in the British Commonwealth).
My maternal grandmother had an older brother who was an infantryman in WWI. (Thank goodness, he was one of the lucky ones who returned home intact). My paternal grandfather was an experimental aviator in WWI (but I don't think he ever went overseas; he actually did a lot of his training in Texas and I think even some in Oklahoma. Somewhere in his things my dad has a very cool picture of Granddad as a young man, in leather coat and goggles, standing next to his biplane). So I have a more or less direct link to that era. (Having been born to parents who were a bit older, who were themselves born to older parents - it means that that sort of past history is closer to me than it is to some).
So I still like to remember. Even though it's sad to think that the "War to end all wars" really wasn't.
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