Wednesday, November 12, 2008

funny pictures of cats with captions
more animals

I've decided to make discretion the better part of valor (if that even applies here) and cancel classes for today. I *think* I'm over the worst of it, but I still have a slight fever, and I don't think I'll be able to eat much today.

And the effort of getting a clean pair of pajamas to change into was enough that I had to sit down for a few minutes afterward. Seeing as I originally had one of the more-strenuous labs scheduled for this afternoon, I don't think I can hack that.

When I was a little younger, I probably would have guilted myself into going to class and pushed myself (and probably taken longer to get over this thing as a result). But really, I NEVER take a sick day, so I guess it's OK for me to take one now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you feel better soon. You're doing the right thing in taking a sick day. If you went to school, you'd only be spreading the bug around. Then you'd have students out sick needing make-up labs, etc., thus making more work for yourself. A day at home pampering yourself is good medicine.