Friday, September 26, 2008

Not much of a surprise here:

Your result for The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test...


You scored 40% masculinity and 77% femininity!

You scored high on femininity and low on masculinity. You have a traditionally feminine personality.

Take The Bem Sex Role Inventory Test at HelloQuizzy

Except, I don't usually wear a ruffly apron and lipstick when I cook. And I have never had an expression like THAT on my face.

(I'd like to think that that 40% and 77% is a combination of the best of both worlds...)


CGHill said...

The percentages sound reasonable enough; I'd be very suspicious of someone who came up 90 percent one and 10-20 percent the other.

Having said that, now I have to go take the test myself.

dragon knitter said...

i'm androgynous! 70% masculine & 60% feminine. the biggest thing is i'm a strong personality