Thursday, March 29, 2007

This is going to be a sad and difficult day on campus. Late yesterday evening, the secretary called me (she called everyone in the department) to let me know our department chair's husband (who was also a professor here, in Psychology) died suddenly. Apparently he was working out and collapsed and could not be revived. He was not a very old man - probably only three or four years older than I am.

I don't often find myself in a situation where I have no words, but really, I have no words - I cannot even imagine what my department chair is going through right now. It was a very stressful fall for her and things were just starting to look a little easier.

I also feel for the students who were working with him - I think he had a couple research students. He had consulted me at times on matters statistical and he always struck me as a very happy person, as someone who was doing something he was really good at and who enjoyed it.

I guess the only conclusion I can draw is the kind of conclusion I always draw from things like this - that when you talk to someone as they are leaving the house for work, or when they call you on the phone, or when they're heading out to do something, or when you're heading out to do something and they're staying home - do all you can to let your last words to that person at that moment be kind and loving ones, because they may truly be the last words you have a chance to say to them.

And appreciate the people you love. Hug them if you are so inclined.

Life is so short and so fragile.


Jennifer said...

I am so sorry to hear of this. I can't imagine what your department head is going through. I know how this can affect the whole department and school. Last year we had a professor (late 40's early 50's) who died suddenly and unexpectedly in my department. It was hard. Best wishes to you.

dragon knitter said...

my condolences to the head, and to the entire department. you learn to care for people you work for, and losses like this are still hard.