Friday, March 30, 2007

Off to judge the state science fair this morning.

And perhaps it's selfish, but I'm kind of relieved to be off campus for today, given the untimely death. It was very uncomfortable and sad in the department yesterday - lots of people off talking in little knots, lots of whispers. And as I generally interpret people whispering as "they don't want me to hear and they don't want me barging in" I kind of locked myself in my office when I wasn't in class.

I did get a few more lichens identified. It's kind of surprising how many there are just right on campus.

And here's a You Know You're a Knitter comment: I grabbed a new ball of sockyarn (some Online "Highland Color") and needles and stowed them in my purse just in case I wind up having to sit and wait somewhere for an extended period of time (all the other small projects I have are at points that require considerable concentration, or require the lugging of a heavy pattern book with them). I doubt I'll wind up casting on for these but I always keep in the back of my head, "what if there's a tornado warning while I'm up there and we all get shepherded into a shelter where we have to sit for a long time?" Kind of like a version of Linus' security blanket, only it's a security blanket that also helps prevent boredom.

1 comment:

red fish said...

I always have a simple knitting project in my bag, usually a preemie hat, , but sometimes a sock or dishcloth. You never know when you might have free time.