Wednesday, March 28, 2007

For the love of Pi:

pi10k is a neat site where you assign 10 musical notes (one to each digit, 0 though 9) and it plays them as a tune to the order of the first 10,000 digits in pi.

wearing your pi hat while you do this is optional.

Someone, somewhere, should compile all the uses of pi (and phi, and e) in art and entertainment and all of that. I think it would be interesting.


And another link.

Those of you who read the blog regularly know I am a fan of Teh Cute (tm). Well, here's another site, much in the spirit of Cute Overload:

The Random Kitten Generator.

Does what it says: randomly selects a picture of a kitten for you. You can press a button for another picture. Keep doing that until your sense of equilibrium is restored, or before you go into a "aawwwww" induced coma. (There is an ad on the page but at least it's not loud and you can kind of ignore it)

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