Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, it has shaped up to be a Prairie Conference-licious day!

After I got 1/2 (actually, better than half, most of what's left is photos which are easy) of my poster done for the Prairie Conference this year, I went home for lunch. And what was in my mailbox, but the Proceedings of the last Prairie Conference - with my paper in it!

I had never seen proofs of this paper and was actually afraid that the Proceedings were somehow a dead issue and that it'd never see the light of day. But there it is, starting on page 36. And, Sole Author, Baby! And it was Invited Paper, Baby!

(That doesn't mean anything in some disciplines but it sort of kind of does in ecology).

So of course I had to make a photocopy and put it up on the departmental "brag board" over's been too long since I had something new to post.

And now, I'm getting ready to send off my finished textbook review - $225, Baby!

(I have now exceeded my yearly allowance of using the form, "Something good, Baby!" in this post).

1 comment:

Lydia said...


And you really handled the annoying mechanic well.