Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, the rest of the morning went better. Half of my poster for my summer conference (at the end of July) is now done. What remains is to boil down the results of the soil tests, include some seed bank study results, get some photos onto the poster (which will involve taking some photos of the site and also resurrecting the seed-bank photos I took earlier), and writing up a section on the hoped-for outcomes of the project.

I think that's enough for today. I can work on boiling down the soil and seed bank results during "downtime" next week, and when we get a good, non-overcast day (hopefully after some rain this weekend), I can get photos of the site.

I feel better even just having a "cartoon" of the poster drawn out on paper. I make my posters in PowerPoint (by making one big slide with everything on it and then printing it on a large-format plotter), so most of the thought-work is done, it's just chasing down results now.

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