Saturday, June 24, 2006

I just added a Flickr badge to my sidebar. It's one of the "Flash" badges and I hope it doesn't discriminate too much against folks who use dial-up (I use dial-up at home and the page seems to load okay.). Please let me know if it's too hard for you to see the photos, or if the badge (or for that matter, the WordCloud) makes the site load too slowly and I'll make changes. I don't want to lose what few readers I have!

I will say the reason I'm changing over to Flickr. For a little better than two years, Kristie at Papaya-Palace has hosted my photos on her bandwidth. She's changing to a new version of Typepad and there's no easy way to keep it possible for me to upload photos. And I've taken advantage of her hospitality for long enough. The old photos - uploaded to the site she loaned me use on - will stay. All new photos will be through flickr unless I find a more seamless way to host them. (I don't trust the Blogger photo upload; it seems to crash too often).

So, thanks Kristie for all your help and all your bandwidth. Load away with new Typepad - my photos have a home now.

More photos tomorrow. I think this is going to be a finishing sort of weekend. Already I've got the Embossed Leaves socks done, and I'm nearly done with the funky green scarf.

(Darn it...uploading the old photos and "arranging" them and writing little captions for them is kind of addictive. I spent about an hour when I should have been writing this week's Sunday School lesson playing with the photos....)

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