Friday, April 22, 2005

One of the funny things about this cold, is that you get better very slowly and very incrementally for a while, and then, all of a sudden, you're almost-totally-better.

That happened yesterday afternoon to me. I came home, and decided I HAD to mow my lawn. (I do not use chemical herbicides and I have quite a crop of both bedstraw and rescuegrass - which is flowering now - neither of which is a species that is supposed to be in my lawn). I felt I HAD to because several doors down from me lives a woman who is Practically Perfect in Every Way (except for her interpersonal skills). She has, on previous occassions when my lawn went a bit, shall we say, native, come over to either (a) "congratulate" me on "finally" finding the time to mow my lawn or (b) offer up the card of her lawn service (I do not trust her lawn service; for one thing the business cards have the original number ripped off of them and a new number written in. For another thing, her lawn-service guys leer at me whenever I'm out working in my lawn. And I don't dress to attract leers, ya'll.)

So I was feeling the pressure. I did try to find a lawn service that would come for one time and one time only and not try to sell me any kind of toxic Earth-poisons chemical lawn-treatments, but I couldn't find one that didn't want me to take out a summerlong contract, so forget that.

So I mowed. It was harder than it often is, because of the bedstraw and the accumulated height of plants. But you know, I didn't cough once during the process, and felt a lot better for a long time afterward? I don't know if it was the effect of the exercise, or if there was some kind of Cold v. Allergies smackdown going on that left my immune system temporarily unchallenged, but I did feel better.

I did, however, get my usual "you've exerted yourself too early after being sick" symptom - an ocular migraine, which hit while I was cooking dinner. At least this time I knew what it was and why I had it and didn't freak out. But it's still unpleasant and you can't read or do much that involves the eyes until it's gone.

Fortunately, it did go, and I knit some more on the moebius scarf. I am hoping to get that done tonight. I am ready for it to be done. I also knit a bit more (started on the heel flap) of the first of the Missoni socks. You know, I'm not loving the colors as much as I did in the skein. Knit up, they kind of look like a random mix of colors I wouldn't want to go together. But oh well. I will finish the socks and see what I think then.

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