Thursday, April 21, 2005

You know, it's sort of odd lecturing to a class about how osmoregulation works in mammals when you've been sucking down 2-3 liters of water all morning long as an attempt to avoid coughing yourself to pieces, and you are at the same time beginning to feel the need to take advantage of the endpoint of osmoregulation in a mammal...

And: two more reasons why I love working where I work:

We had a faculty meeting over the noon hour today and my department chair showed up with pizza. (It is actually one of the few things I have been able to taste for the past couple of days).

Also, at the same meeting, he handed out newly-purchased jump-drives to each of us. At least 40% of the department responded exactly the same way: "Oo! Toys!"

Yeah, I think I'll stay a while longer.

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