Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Finished a neck-gaiter for the Dulaan project last night. I've also cast on for a little red hat; I'm thinking I'm going to insert a horizontal vine stitch pattern from BW treasury #1 on it after the ribbing to make it a bit prettier. (The gaiter is not pretty - it's a sort of earth brown - but it will be warm, and I guess that's what's important).

And: you know how they say stress is what happens when the superego overrides the id? (or something similar in more colorful terms) I had a moment like this this morning.

Got an - let's just say, agitated - phone call from someone. Why hadn't I contacted the student members of this committee I head?

Student members? I asked. But on the website with the assignment, it says those seats are vacant.

Well, as it turns out, there ARE student members, the website has just not been updated, and a variety of factors combined so that I was left uninformed. And felt a bit irritated about the fact that the single thing I didn't really have control over went wrong, after I had spent numerous hours preparing materials for this meeting.
(Not really griping at the person who called me; it was just a bad time for it to happen.) Still, I was somewhat irritated that information I needed had not been passed on to me, and that I didn't even know I needed to look for it.

What I wanted to say: What, you expect me to be a frickin' mind-reader?

What I actually said: Sorry, okay, I'll find time to make three more packets and send them out. Yes, I'm sorry I didn't consult with the students about the meeting time.

Sigh. My id is channeling Dr. Evil and my super-ego is channeling "Wilt" from "Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends." That's some cognitive dissonance for ya.

(edited a bit after I got all skeeved thinking, what if someone I actually work with reads this? Bloody unlikey, but still. I'm really not mad at the person who called me; it's just, I don't know, I hate it when communication from somewhere else breaks down and it comes down on my head, even though I acted in good faith)

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