Friday, September 19, 2003


Today be Talk Like A Pirate Day"!

If you go to the website, there is a "translate to pirate-speech" function. (You can see an example of translated text below).

Didn't get much done last night aside from baking two buttermilk pies to share in the department today. I wound up having to do the crust twice because the first time I messed up the ratio of flour to fat and it all crumbled.

I did knit a few rows on the "dream scarf".

and in Pirate-speak:

Ahoy, if you go t' the website, thar is a "translate t' pirate-speech" function.

Didn't get much done last eve aside from bakin' two buttermilk pies t' share in the department today. I wound up ha'in' t' do the crust twice because the first time I messed up the ratio o' flour t' fat and it all crumbled.

Me did knit a few rows on the "dream scarf". A pence for an old man o'de sea?

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