Saturday, January 18, 2003

Well, this is one of the drawbacks to owning a house.
I woke up this morning and when my feet hit the floor, I thought, Dang, it's cold. So on my way down the hall to the bathroom, I turned the thermostat up just a wee little bit. Nothing. Turned it up a bit more. Nothing.

I have a gas furnace, so my first reaction was to smell around for gas - couldn't smell any. Then I thought "maybe the stupid gas company shut my gas off, thinking they were shutting someone else's off". So I tried the hot water (I have a gas heater) - plenty of hot water. I checked the circuit breaker for the igniter on the furnace. It looked OK. I switched the furnace off and on. Still nothing.

I debated calling the furnace guy on a Saturday - it's going to be mega-expensive, I know. But it's currently 55* in my house and my hands are so cold I can barely type, let alone knit. Yes, I could spend the day working in my office at school, but then what when I come home.

So the furnace guy is coming at noon. I certainly hope he can fix it and that I don't need a whole new furnace (if I do, I may wind up buying and using a space heater for a while. I hate the thought of buying something so big in a panic.) Right now, I have on jeans, heavy wool socks, slippers, a turtleneck, a heavy, heavy wool sweater, and I am thinking about putting on my ski underwear as well.

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