Saturday, January 18, 2003

Well, good news and bad news. The good news is I have heat again, and it was a fairly simple fix - a burnt out igniter that needed replacing. The bad news is that it was still $130 even if it was a simple fix.

So I have to be GOOD for a while now and only buy necessities like groceries and medication.

I also realized that when I'm somewhere cold, it's a lot better to keep warm by keeping my "core" warm (I finally put on ski underwear and that made things a lot better) than by trying to put stuff over my extremities (those bulky fingerless gloves I knit? Good for exactly nothing. Can't type in them, can't write in them, can't knit in them, and my fingers are still miserably cold). I also wore the little rollbrimmed hat I made out of Katia "Folk" over the summer and that helped too.

Now I'm debating whether to go over to my office - the day is more than half over already as far as I'm concerned - or whether to stay home and read the journal articles I copied, or whether just to relax today and work tomorrow.

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