Friday, January 17, 2003

This is just so wonderful. It made me laugh out loud in sheer childish delight on a Friday morning. (it's a Flash animation of Tom Lehrer's song "The Elements"). I'm gonna have to include the website address with the chemistry homework I give my bio students this semester....

I'm tacking my Friday Five onto my earlier post from this morning because I want to keep the Lehrer song link at the top. You really need to go and see it. You really do.

1. Where do you currently work?

I teach biology, soil science, ecology, and biostatistics at a small regional university in Oklahoma.

2. How many other jobs have you had and where?

This is the first "real" one. I was a TA (teaching assistant) for, like, forever, when I was in graduate school, and I put in one semester at a community college that will remain nameless because it and I had a personality conflict.

3. What do you like best about your job?

The students. (see, I'm still idealistic!). I have some really great students though. And there are always some that surprise you - really quiet people who turn out to have these great senses of humor when they write things, or people who come up with brilliant independent projects....I also like the people I work with. I just generally enjoy teaching.

4. What do you like least about your job?

The meetings. Usually when it's time to have a meeting over something, the only time people can all meet is at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon or some time like that. All of my classes are in the morning (well, except for labs) and I get here at 7 am (I get up at 5), so by 4:30 all I can think about is going home and taking a shower and fixing dinner.

Grading is a close second, but that's only because sometimes I look at student papers and go "I know you know this better than this..."

5. What is your dream job?

Actually, I've pretty much got it.

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