Monday, August 26, 2002

You can take the (somewhat outdated) Froy Marriage Liability Test here. It's designed for men to enter characteristics of a woman, but a woman can enter her own characteristics.

The test claims that "unexperienced" men should not meddle with women with a score less than 250, and women who get a minus score are out "from the start".

I scored -1073. I don't know whether to whoop with joy (this is such a strange test - it considers knitting and being able to cook Shepherd's pie (knowing how to cook it does not mean that you will subject your near and dear ones to having to eat it) and knowing things like the proper oven temperature to be liabilities. In other words, girls with "life skills" score as unmarriageble) or to weep in the knowledge that it merely confirms something I suspected all along.

I suspect that men who would marry a girl who scores high on the test have the mind and temperament of Bertie Wooster anyway. So there.

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