Tuesday, August 27, 2024

my lunch mix

 the morning today was kind of exhausting, in between prepping for tomorrow's classes as well as today, I received multiple e-mails from a student over a short time span.

Usually this indicates an anxious person and I'm handling it like that (with kindness and reassurance) but I admit I find it tiring, personally, partly because I remember being anxious in college but those were different times and most of the faculty were either literally inaccessible, or were grouchy enough to seem so, and so I just balled up my worries into a tight little ball and stuffed them deep down, like I do with a lot of things.

And yeah yeah, I am of the "I went through this, but that doesn't mean you have to" school of thought about these kinds of things and try to help, but I can tell it takes a toll on me.

So after class, I WANTED to go get an iced tea for with lunch - ideally one of the big iced chais that HTeaO does

but their app said "Temporarily Unavailable" about ordering online,, which I later on learned meant they're doing renovations. (I HOPE they're re-routing their drive through, it doesn't work great)

So I came home and made a cup of hot tea (despite it still being hot out) and an almond-butter sandwich and got some fruit.. And found something nice to listen to:

It's the "incidental" music (not the classical themes, though the very last bit - from Sleepytime - you can see that the composer - I think it's Joff Bush?-  borrowed very heavily from Holst's themes). But it's nice in its own right, and in a way it reminds me a bit of the Ghibli music.

I like incidental music. Some of the "British Light Music" I like was written as incidental music for plays/movies or later on, television productions. It definitely can set a mood and much of it I think stands alongside more "traditional" concert pieces. 

On the linked video, I particularly liked the music from "Tradies," and I do admit I could feel that telltale prickling in my eyes during "Sleepytime" (an episode that always makes me cry, but in a good way)

I need to remember more that YouTube has these channels of nice quiet not-too-distracting music for when I'm working on e-mail or something else.

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