Thursday, August 08, 2024

missed a day

 I really thought I was going to miss the side effects of the vaccine. I was fine Tuesday evening (arm a little sore), okay Wednesday morning. Wednesday noon, before going home for lunch, I ran to Pruett's (I needed milk and a couple other things).

It WAS very hot (as it was today) and that could be part of it. But after I ate I sat down in the recliner for a minute and then was like "nope. You're not getting back out" Didn't go back over to school, managed to drag myself out to get the mail and garage my car but then put on my pajamas. Fortunately I had some frozen spaghetti I could heat up so I didn't have to think about preparing food. I was MAYBE slightly chilled, but not the tooth-chattering sort of chills I got with one of the COVID boosters. Mostly I was just REALLY tired.

Didn't do much last night; I watched a few more of those "Japanese micro apartment" videos and then decided to go to bed early.

I felt better this morning, well enough to go over and finish setting up my Canvas pages (they are done now, at least with the first week's material posted). It was kind of hot in my office but it always is in this weather - the air handler is not big enough for our building and because of fire regulations we have to keep the door between the faculty office-hall and the classroom building closed, and the one to the stairwell to the ground floor closed. As a result, it gets hot in our hallway. You don't really notice it (it's in the low to mid 80s) but it does wear you out after a while. Also, you're always reminded of how your hall is the hottest spot when you walk into the stairwell to go down the stairs - it's a good 15 degrees cooler. (We did occasionally prop the door open, but Safety keeps coming and taking the doorstops, because we're not supposed to do that. And yet - even though we complain about the heat, it's never a priority to fix the airconditioning on our hall)

So I was a little tired when I got home. I did feel well enough to do a few things - wash a set of sheets, change the bed, wash my hair, do a load of towels in the wash. I'm still a little tired after all that (I didn't have the energy to do the stirfried cabbage I planned on - I had got bacon, which the recipe calls for, yesterday) so I ate a peach and some cheese and a piece of whole wheat bread with nutella on it. 

I'm still slowly picking away at the ribbing on the Moon Moth pullover; it takes a while.. 

I do think I'm going to go to Denison tomorrow; supposedly we are to get a "cold" front overnight and it's supposed to be cooler (I will believe it when I see it)

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