Friday, August 16, 2024

It's still hot

 I did start sorting the July samples today. The first one had very few things (that was true of the previous sample) so it is possible I'm seeing a pattern, which is good.

But I didn't feel great today. I think I mentioned that hot dog yesterday? I guess it was a salt bomb; midafternoon today I looked down at my ankles and was like "huh, they look swollen." Normally that never happens; I do not tend to retain water. But I figure in this heat and also with the saltier food I've had to eat, maybe that was what did it. (Also, my knee ached so badly when I got up that I didn't work out; I suppose it's possible I have some inflammation going on from the heat). 

I got a little concerned but figured if I went home and drank a bunch of water and sat with my feet up, and it wasn't better by Monday, that was when to get it looked at (and anyway: my doctor's office closes at noon on Fridays, and this didn't seem like an urgent thing). 

I did do a perhaps foolish thing, thinking "what might act as a diuretic?" I wasn't brave enough to see of the OTC one they used to sell (I think they sold it for PMS relief?) was still a thing, but I thought "well, caffeine will do it some times" and realized it had been days since I had tea (because it's been so hot) I went and got a mint iced tea from the tea place.

At least it did make my stomach feel better. (Mint is sometimes used to help with some stomach issues) 

I think the ankles are better now, after being in my slightly* cooler house with my feet up.

(*Slightly cooler, it's so hot - it was 107 today - that the air conditioning is struggling to keep up; it's 78 in here right now and I really prefer it on 74, but I guess this is the best I can do. I have a fan and that helps some. My office is 82-83 degrees.)

it's just hot and I'm very tired of it. Everything feels like more of an effort. I still need to get groceries, I am not sure whether to try going out to wal-mart early tomorrow, or just do what I can do from Green Spray, which is more expensive by a good bit but is only a couple blocks away.

And the air conditioner just kicked off, meaning it's cooled to 78 in here.. So I guess I can step it down another degree in hopes of it being marginally cool enough I can sleep. 

It's going to be hot next week for teaching but at least the classroom part of the building should be cooler; the silly arrangement of my building is such that the first-floor faculty offices are hottest and the ground floor and the classrooms are cooler. It's partly that we're in the old part of the building with fewer vents, but also because of Fire Marshal rules, doors we COULD have open to communicate with the rest of the building and get air flow from the cooler regions, have to be shut. So we swelter in our offices, and when we step into the stairwell it's immediately 15 degrees cooler in there. (Yes, we tried propping the doors open; when safety came through they confiscated the doorstops. Oddly enough when COVID was a thing and was thought to be spread by fomites, it was FINE to have the doors open so we didn't have to touch them to go through....)

but anyway. I can tell many things are making me cranky and irritable and that may not resolve until it cools down a bit. And I don't like the thought of:

But I suspect that's it, given climate change. And I hate it. I may have to look into getting awnings or something (even though they don't fit with the style of my house) to try to block a little sun - as it is I'm keeping the blinds closed which makes me feel like I'm living in a cave, and that's also fairly unpleasant, I get claustrophobic when I can't see outside.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Today's high in ALB will be 68! Of course it'll be back in the 80s by the weekend.