Wednesday, July 03, 2024

tree is gone


The guys came at about 7:30 again, but it only took them until 10 to get down the rest of the trunks, cut them into manageable pieces, and load them on the trailer. I knew they weren't going to grind the stump and I don't really care. I can't estimate the age of the tree; the way they had to cut it I'd have to sand the heck out of the top of the stump to see rings, and I don't care enough (and I don't have an electric sander) to do it.

And I've paid for it, so it's all taken care of now. 

After that, I went over to school and examined my first two samples. Not much in the first one, but the soil was very dry when I collected it, and it became an extremely sticky clay when it was wet. The second sample had more stuff. It's very hard to photograph (I have not figured out yet if my older-style cell phone camera will work through the eyepiece of the dissecting scope, at least I couldn't get it to work). This is a direct photo (with macro) of some kind of ground beetle larva

It looks all red because I use a piece of red cellophane under it to give more contrast - that's a trick an archivist taught me, red or yellow colored clear plastic can increase contrast and help you see things better, and it can also reduce eyestrain from the bright scope lamps.

While I was waiting on the guys to work I did sort a few more bits for the Moominhouse but didn't get much done. 

I'm guessing tonight will not be great for sleeping; we are supposed to get rain tomorrow evening so I presume the fireworks people will shoot them off. Tomorrow morning, early, I'm going to try  to mow and edge the yard.

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