Thursday, July 25, 2024

That's a relief

 I went in for my checkup today. This is the one I'd been stressing about because my blood work was not posted on the patient portal (normally this clinic is superfast about having the numbers available). I was afraid maybe there was really bad news (though these are just the typical things like ALT and blood glucose and blood cell counts, so I don't know).

Anyway, the doctor walked in the room and handed me a printout. "Here are the results from LabCorp, we could get those. Everything is normal, just your vitamin D is a little low. We are still trying to recover the patient portal"

"From the Crowdstrike thing?" I asked

"Yeah. It's been a nightmare. We came in that morning to blue screens of death everywhere, and while we were able to recover the office computers, the patient portal still isn't back. That's why you couldn't get your numbers"

She also noted the hospital where she has privileges had 17,000 computers affected. 

So I immediately relaxed; turns out the only thing I need to do (other than "keep on keepin' on") is to be sure to take the Vitamin D supplement (some days I forget). I guess eating reasonably healthfully (I could be better than I am, but my diet is probably more healthful than that of many people) and getting 30 minutes of aerobic exercise most days is serving me well. (I was also down a couple pounds, but my weight seems to fluctuate within a 5-10 pound range, so I don't know that that's meaningful). Heart and lungs sounded good.

I mentioned the knee; said I could do my regular exercise and even fieldwork without much pain, and noted the orthopod had suggested surgery and she shrugged and said "if you can do what you want to do without it, I generally recommend the most conservative treatment" so she didn't think it was currently necessary.

So I'm FREE. I am free until next year, at least unless there's an emergency. The only other thing she gave me a bit of stinkeye over was my continued failure to get the shingles vaccine but I will do the first before the end of the summer. 

So now I am free to go to Micheal's and get my Bluey yarn (and the yarn that's coming UPS is supposed to arrive tomorrow) and I might swing by a couple other places and I am also going to get some kind of restaurant lunch SEEING AS MY CHOLESTEROL IS FINE AND I WON'T NEED A REDO ON THE BLOOD DRAW. I just have to get a few things out to the mail and e-mail a student who wanted an appointment tomorrow back (I deferred setting it until today, in case I had to do another fasting blood draw right away, if they had lost my tubes). And then I can go.

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