Wednesday, June 12, 2024

one good thing

 The manuscript - covering a couple years' (and several research students' help collecting) data from a field site here, which I sent off in July 2022 (with my standard comment to self of,  "Godspeed, little manuscript) is now actually-factually published. I *think* this link will work and should be free to read; my paper starts on page 52


I'm more excited about it than I am about typical publications but (a) I've not had anything come out for a while and (b) I'm not sure when I'll be starting my next round of research (right now - I mean RIGHT right now - guys are working on my garage and I need to be at least nominally in town so I can be available if they have questions). I do want to grab the first round of samples before June ends; I am thinking maybe do one close to the end of each month (June, July, August, September, and possibly October) and I will have to weigh each sample (carry a balance into the field) so I get as close to the same amount of soil in each one (though possibly volume is a better measure? I have to think on that) so the communities will be more comparable. And I'll have to mark the sites I sample from (and get GPS coordinates), and, and, and.


But at least now I have a paper out, a paper that I thought had been desk rejected when I heard nothing for a while (I was forgetting it was already 2022 when I sent it in; this is only 2 years turnaround, which is not bad at all for a volunteer-staffed journal)


But yeah. I am really worn out right now. I think part of it is all the logistic stuff I've had to fit in, and just dealing with, frankly, the shock of coming home to a downed tree. And the meeting-that-was-not-the-bad-meeting-I-feared ate up a lot of my brainspace from when it was first called until after it happened. 

I haven't done much actual craft working. I did do some more gluing and painting on the Moominhouse stuff Sunday afternoon - I really want to clear off my work table, which is also my cutting table, because I have two quilts I need to put bindings on, and I want to start a new top, but I have to have that table and the ironing board clear - and I have to clean my cutting mat; it's got glue residue on it now. And I do have all those boxes stacked up where I need to finish the kit. But it's hard to overcome inertia when you're tired and stressed....

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