Friday, June 14, 2024

Hot Friday afternoon

 It's just hot and humid, and I may have overdone the yard work a little yesterday because I feel wiped out. 

And yet: I am going to go out early (before it's so hot/bright) and try to cut more. Especially since I fixed my wheelbarrow - when I ran to Mart of Wal today I bought a little case of assorted nuts and bolts - the crossbar that keeps the legs at the right angle had lost a bolt and it made the bar drag on the ground and the wheelbarrow unstable. I thought about getting a new one because the metal frame is a little rusty and the tire, while not flat, isn't as firm as it once was, but this was cheaper and easier. 

I spent a lot of the day kind of faffing. I did work a bit more on the front bands of Chalcedony; I'm about half done with it, but it's kind of a pain to wrestle because it's so big (especially in the heat). 

Then I took a break from that and spent maybe 2 hours working on the Moominhouse stuff. It's kind of challenging because you have to do some steps and then let them sit and have the glue or the paint dry before you can move on, and I have only so much space to put stuff out so I don't always feel I can move on to the next steps. I have made some progress; the basement part is mostly assembled, and the chairs and table are nearly done. But it's also very fiddly. I don't like having to put the knobs on the furnishings (this is 1:24 scale, so half the size of standard dollhouses) and I dropped one of the knobs on the floor and had to get down on my knees to find it. I guess I could at least get down (and back up, though that wasn't as easy). 

I want to either finish it (which will take many more work sessions) or get it to the point where I can clear my cutting table off, clean my cutting mat, and do some quilt work again - I think I have three that still need bindings, and one I want to prepare a backing for in case I do find a longarmer again, and I have the succulent-plants one that's still not finished. 

 I have a friend on social media who kept suggesting I get into the kind of tabletop gaming where you paint miniatures as a way to find more of a social circle, but:

a. I don't think I have the dexterity or the patience for that any more

b. I don't know that I'd fit in AT ALL; it seems most of the people doing it are men in their twenties and it seems weird even to me for a woman in her fifties to join in. 

But yeah. It would be nice to have another social outlet. 

It really did get hot (and humid, and bright) suddenly, and it's hard for me to adapt to. I don't cope well with heat (that's partly the beta blocker I take, though) and I forget how much water I have to constantly drink to feel OK in the summer. So I'm slowly working up to spending more time outdoors, and trying to only do early in the day (before about 11 am) or as the sun is going down (though that has the added challenge of fighting mosquitoes, and one county over from me they found some carrying West Nile)

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