Tuesday, May 21, 2024

the summer feeling

 Yeah, I noticed it a day or two after classes were over and grades were in: the old summer feeling, that vague memory of being a kid getting off the school bus on the last day of school.

That feeling of all possibilities being open, that summer was going to be forever, that all the things you wanted to do but couldn't because of school were open to you now. 

Oh, summer wore thin after a couple weeks, but that first day that feeling of "going to friends' houses/playing outside/baking cookies/going to the library/reading/watching cartoons/drawing/making doll clothes/building stuff with lego/playing board games/making crafts/rearranging my room/going places with Mom and Dad" was....it was kind of like that moment on Christmas morning before you went down the stairs and literally anything you wanted could be waiting under the tree. 

It's different when you're an adult of course. But it is nice, when you teach, to have those first few days when the pressure lifts, when you don't have classes to prep, or lab-planning to slot into your week, and all the various worries and concerns students have, and all the paperwork - and just be able to work on your own stuff. Or even take a break. 

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