Wednesday, April 24, 2024

wednesday evening things

 * I feel some better; got the worst of the grading (worst in the sense of "hardest" because it's evaluating other people's writing, and I always worry I am being too heavy-handed and too much imposing of my own style). Unfortunately, apparently one student that I had been pulling for chose to take the "L" (did not hand in a paper, nor did they show up to present their research). Sometimes this happens, though usually it's someone who chooses to skip the presentation only (fewer points, and for some people public speaking is a big hurdle)

* I also got home at a more reasonable time today - yesterday, it was well after 5 pm when I got home (grading). Today I had a chance to pick up some groceries and then come home. I did 20 minutes on the cross-country skiier (I am trying to build back up, though I still can't do the full 30-40 minutes I typically did before the injury) and the PT stretching. I'll see how I feel tomorrow but I'm wondering if this is the key to me keeping some flexibility and being able to walk with less pain. I mostly walked without the cane on campus today. I would like to be able to give it up but when I'm tired, and when I have to walk on hard floors, sometimes I feel like I need that extra support.

In the "health" feature on my phone, there's a "walking asymmetry" feature and lately it has steadily gone down (lower is better) so I hope that's a sign of recovery. But like I said, I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow - I walked more steps today than I had been even without the cross-country skiier. 

* I made okonomiyaki for dinner out of the cabbage that I had forgot I had bought (I'm wondering if I picked it up last Tuesday; I ran a lot of errands that day.

Sometimes it tears or it sticks in the pan, but this time it came out just right

I eat about a third of this as a meal, and then have the leftovers heated up later. It's one of my favorite simple but reasonably healthful things (lots of cabbage, some onion, ginger, and then eggs and flour and soy sauce). I usually don't mix up the sauces for it (the original recipe has you make sriracha mayonnaise and a mix of ketchup and soy and worcestershire sauce) and just eat hoisin on it, which has a similar flavor to the ketchup based sauce. 

*I've been working on the socks. I got up past the gusset decreases, I just have a bunch more rounds in pattern for the foot

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