Monday, August 21, 2023

and some more

 * Tentatively hopeful about my classes, folks seem a bit more vocal (in a good way) than in recent years. I have a couple people in all three of my upper division classes: fewer names to learn (and now I'm glad I staggered the days for the exams). 

* my dryer is broken. But it will be fixed. Saturday it started with a terrible thumping/rattling (while I was trying to dry towels, the worst thing to have not dry in a dryer.) Drying things outside is not an option - my allergies don't allow it, and it's so dusty here right now (Drought) that they'd be dirty again. 

I e-mailed the guy I had in a couple years ago for the washer house the mice chewed; he got back to me almost immediately* and came out this afternoon. 

(* I get the sense that even as broke as a lot of folks here, people seem more prone to just replace stuff - even if it's with something worse - than to repair. But I like this washer-dryer unit, it works well, and $1600 for a new stacked unit is not comfortably in the budget)

It's a blower wheel. The only worry - given the dryer was made in 1997 (!) was finding the part, but he did, so for less than 1/4 of a new stacked unit, that and the on/off knob (which had been iffy and broke totally when I was trying to demonstrate the problem to him) will be fixed. So I am taking the W on that. 

If I need to do laundry, the washer is fine, I can just hang things up in the house to dry, I have a rack. He should have the part by early next week at the latest. 

* I got to the "divide for the front and back" on Chalcedony (which I decided I felt more like working on) and started the back of it. Probably will work more on it tonight. 

* I didn't knit as much as I might this weekend because I looked around at my house and was like "yikes" thinking of a workman coming in so I cleaned the kitchen, living room, dining room, and hall, including wetmopping (you can on finished wood with a nearly-dry mop) the floors and putting TONS of stuff away and dusting. It does feel a lot better to have a clean house; i had let it get bad while I was busy and also Sad and felt like "well no one ever comes to see me so why does it matter?"

*Other than that, it's just hot here. I went out late yesterday afternoon to get some of those boric-acid ant baits (they have come in; I presume seeking water as we're in a fairly serious drought right now) and I had to do something to get rid of them. But I was just exhausted when I got home even after just that adventure.

(I did look at dishwashers at the Lowe's, too, since I didn't want to go back out into the heat again right away and isn't it the way - you can never find an associate when you need one but then I had two people asking if I wanted help and I had to say I was thinking about a new dishwasher, but was not ready to afford one yet (MAYBE in September I can). I want one with a stainless steel tub even though they are more expensive and also even though I assume my "rodents getting in" problem is fixed since the renovations, but. My mom has a Bosch which she really liked but they run a little pricey.....)


Diann Lippman said...

I love my Bosch dishwasher! Does the job, and it's so quiet I really can't tell it's on without looking for the little red light on the floor!

Roger Owen Green said...

When we first into this house in 2000, we saw a washer and dryer. What we DIDN'T know is that it'd take about two hours to dry two shirts. So, even though we had no capital - just bought a house - we bought a new dryer. The next year we bought the dishwasher. Then the following year, the stove.
I HATE buying appliances.