Sunday, November 27, 2022

just testing something

 sometimes I find stuff on YouTube I want to share but my "search terms" don't work here to get the same video, gonna try and see if plugging the url into the search box will do it...

Ah yes, it works! Good to know. (This is Sufjan Stevens' version of "How Fitly Shall I Meet Thee" from an Advent hymn (which I THOUGHT Bach had composed, but apparently he just used the tune in one of his chorales, and apparently Johann Crüger was the original composer, and Paul Gerhardt wrote the German lyrics (which in the English translation are different, by Catherine Winkworth - it's what's sometimes called a "free" translation, capturing the spirit and the mood but not trying to exactly match the lyrics - which would be hard with rhyming and scansion, especially from German, which has a pretty different way of structuring sentences from English)

I know some roll their eyes a bit at Stevens for being twee (and I think I heard someone complain that the singing on this sounded "unprofessional," but I admit I kind of like the slightly - rockier? less-polished? singing and the simpler accompaniment. Most of us who sing at church or in small groups are not professionals and don't sound perfect, but.....the point is to do it, not to be perfect.)

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