Tuesday, October 25, 2022

some sweater progress

 It's a little bit of a pain to work on A Cardigan for John (from the Sherlock Knits book) because it's now at the point where the sleeves have been joined to the body, so you're knitting all the way around in a row, and it's heavy.

At least now I've decreased enough that it's not in danger of dropping stitches at either end (dropping them off the end of the needle

There are still a fair number of rows to do- several more of the every-four-rows decreases, and then I think you decrease every other row for a while. The good news is after this there's just the button band to knit on and a pocket to make. (Somewhere I have buttons for this)

The yarn is mauve but I guess it looks brownish in this light - it's an old, old 1824 Wool in color 23, I forget what Mission Falls called this color* (they had unusual color names. And I admit I miss 1824 Wool, it was a nice yarn)


(*A website that used to sell it says it's called Amethyst. Which is appropriate; my birthstone).

This was a yarn pack bought for a much heavier sweater coat that I never made; I decided I'd wear this more (I think the sweater coat was knit in moss stitch, which moves SLOWLY)

Here's a detail showing the garter stitch that runs up the sleeves (it also runs up the sides, and the button bands will be done in it:)

 I will have some of the yarn left over; not sure how much. I don't think I'll try to swap or sell it (even though there may be a demand for this particular yarn) but rather use it to make hats or mittens or something - maybe mittens for myself and maybe a few hats to donate to charity. This is a superwash so it could go in a washing machine....


I hope I sleep better tonight. I had a lot of bad dreams last night. That happens some times. I don't know if it's hormonal, or if it's still after effects of pandemic isolation (I do get less interaction with people now than in the before times) or if I stressed myself out over going over the job applications for the position yesterday (turns out I didn't need to, but now it's done for when we DO meet to discuss them) or if I watched too much shoot-em-up tv last night (NCIS, and that kind of thing did not formerly bother me but it seems to now? Like maybe I've been away from these kind of scripted things for long enough that I'm suspending disbelief TOO MUCH and am more affected by it? I don't know)

I wish I knew what caused it to try to make them turn off. They're not pleasant and they started during the pandemic.

1 comment:

Purlewe said...

for awhile there I did have some violent dreams (like.. the terrible wake up screaming kind) and they always did coincide with hormones... I don't wish them on anyone.. but it is a possibility. I wish you better dreams tonight.

(I also love the sweater. I think you will get a lot of use out of it.)