Saturday, July 16, 2022

one small consolation

 I am emptying the bookshelves in the guest room. They're the cheap folding kind from Target so when I emptied the first one I just folded it up and put it in the closet. And there, behind where it had been, was this:

I thought I had lost this forever-ago (like, at least 2010 - been a long time since I cleaned behind those shelves). It's a pamphlet from the heyday of knitting blogs, now out of print and hard to find (I know: I tried to replace my copy when I thought I had lost it forever). I legitimately thought I had mixed it in with a bag of old magazines I tossed out.

But no. I must have set it on top of the shelf and it fell down behind and sat there for all those years.

I'm still not super happy about everything that has to happen next week - but at least I have my pattern booklet back

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

Nice discovery!