Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Change in plans

 If you know me, you know that I hate changing plans once I've made them. This time it couldn't be helped.

The head of the bereavement committee - who is also the person in charge of meals on wheels - called me just now and very tentatively asked, "You said you were going to be gone on Friday, didn't you?" and I said "yyyyyeeeesss...." because at that point I was expecting to JUST be asked to do Meals on Wheels that day, too.

But no - turns out T.'s funeral is Friday (faster than I thought) and she was looking for people to provide food for a reception. "Well, if you're gone, maybe you could do something the day before?"

But the thing is: having known T. and his wife C., and having served with both of them, I wanted to go to the funeral today. So I'm going today (will have to change into hiking appropriate clothes), doing Meals on Wheels tomorrow where I will found out what I need to prepare for the reception, then Friday do Meals on Wheels, go to the funeral, serve at the reception.

Sigh. I probably won't get as far on my paper as I anticipated this break but maybe that's OK? I found the old rejected version and I could pretty much repurpose the introduction and materials and methods, I'd just have to add the new analyses and now outcomes. 

But yeah. One thing this past two years has REALLY taught me is that making plans is pretty useless because life comes in to upend them regularly. 

I should probably run out and get a sympathy card - unless I can find one as I'm out and about today (plan to go to the CNRA bookstore/gift shop and also the Chickasaw (tribal) "visitor's center" which has its own small gift shop....also should run to the bank so I have cash

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

I always find going to the funeral useful. You ALWAYS learn new things about people you've known for years.