Saturday, September 11, 2021

a quiet day

 I avoided the news; that seems to have been wise. Avoided most social media as well. 

Got up, ran to Mart of Wal for supplies for the coming week, did some piano practice. After lunch I went over and graded and did a few tasks I could get out of the way for next week to ease my life a little. (I didn't get the exam written I had thought of writing though). Came home, did some more piano practice.

My back had been hurting a bit - random pain always worries me (I am a bit of a hypochondriac) and after having had the stomach virus earlier this week I had had some continued abdominal discomfort so I always worry - is something else wrong? Could this actually be something like an ovarian cyst I'm misinterpreting? But I decided to try doing a workout (I hadn't done them Thursday or Friday, seeing as I wasn't feeling well). After that I felt much better so I presume the back and hip pain were genuinely either arthritis, or having worn bad (flat) shoes too much and not having been on my feet in supportive shoes (I have orthotics but you cannot wear them in sandals)

So that's good. I always feel the best of all right after getting over some minor illness. I don't know if my body produces anti-pain chemicals and I still have some of those left after the originating pain is gone, or if it's merely the relief of feeling normal vs. the discomfort I had been feeling, or if it's having the worry of "what if this ISN'T just a dumb little virus this time" lifted. 

I read through my prep for Clean Air Act for next week, and knitted a bit, and took a shower and put a mudpack on my face which I now need to wash off. 

Tomorrow is church and I might make my niece's pillowcases after that, would be nice to get those done

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

There was no news today, except for pushback v. vaccine mandates and all things 9/11