Thursday, March 18, 2021


 Okay, well, it actually was, just, not THAT kind of tumor, and I couldn't resist the Ahhh-nold joke.

It was an apocrine cylindroma/spiroadenoma - or, as the PA put it in layperson's terms, "a sweat gland went a little rogue and made a benign tumor."

The treatment was the right treatment: the best way to get rid of them is to cut them out. The only bad news? I'm more prone than the rest of the population to making more (though I had that one for 5 years and never developed another one)

So now, instead of being anxious for a follow-up excision (or many future rechecks), I can be impatient for the thing to totally finish healing so I can start wearing cute hair clips again.

1 comment:

Roger Owen Green said...

glad you're OKish