Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Some Smurfs, eh?

First of all, though: My knee is nearly totally better. I guess icing it and resting it a couple days was what it took. I am greatly relieved, because this means no MRI and no potential surgery. Tomorrow I'm going to message my doctor and tell her unless there is something else she needs to see me for on the 31st, I'll just cancel the appointment (which might open it up for someone else who needs it)

My package of Smurfs from Canada came today. (Bought from an Etsy seller). I have another couple Smurfs coming from a Utahan seller but the package got damaged and went back to her and she had to re-send them, but it looks like I should have them in another day or two.

Anyway, that's why the title - Canadian Smurfs. A couple of these were made in West Germany by the "Bully" company and I think here in the US (or at least where I got to shop) we only had the Schliech ones, or ones distributed by Russ Berrie. These may be older, and as I said - there are a few I've never seen before.

Like the Alchemist, who is really detailed:

There are stars on his hat, and he has a test tube and a retort (?) in his other hand

I also got a Farmer with his wheat harvest (and drop of sweat). Probably going to go hang out with my beer-drinking Smurf later on.

I think the older, German-made ones are more detailed than the ones available when I was a kid.

And a Tyrolean Smurf - he has a little paint damage, but again, I think he's maybe older (another one of the ones made by Bully)

And the bagpiper, who is my favorite

I also got this guy, because his pose and attitude amused me and made me think of something:

Sadly, I only have one Smurfette, and she isn't holding her hands over her ears, but here you go:

Yes, dumb things amuse me.

I also had to smile when I saw the reused box she shipped them in. The original generic foods! (I forget which Canadian supermarket started these, but I remember there being a "no name" version in US supermarkets when I was a tween)

+1 for reusing an old box though, and it did give me a smile.

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