No sir, I'm not sure I like it.
So, three things have changed in my online life recently - and my life is pretty much ONLY online right now, so it's noticeable.
- The whole Ravelry "New Coke" mess, the less said about that the better.
- New Blogger, which....well, I hope I can find the "publish" icon to even publish this. I don't like how they change everything from labeled buttons to pictures because I don't always recognize what a pictogram represents
- My campus is migrating everything to a new interface system (I KNOW, RIGHT? IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC WHERE WE MIGHT WIND UP TEACHING ONLINE THIS FALL)
So yeah. I'm not happy, discombobulated, feeling like everything is changes where the old system worked okay for me, and the new one has a learning curve to it I don't like.
Also, I'm wondering if Blogger closed off commenting? I tried to comment on a page and got a "you are not authorized" screen and....yeah, great. So maybe I'm just shouting into a void, which seems to happen a lot these days.
In other news - the state to the south of me is having to "roll back" some of the reopenings because they reopened too early, I guess. I am trying very hard not to despair but it seems like there's bad news in re: COVID almost everywhere. I may never see my relatives again in person. I may never get out to a craft store or an antique shop without feeling I'm taking my life into my hands (Well, more than I do with driving there)
I'm reading more on Kolata's book on influenza - I am now up to the 1976 swine flu debacle and it seems like the people who should have known their stuff back then either didn't, or they were not listened to then either so (shrug emoji)
Also, I'm giving wal-mart's pick up system ONE more try after realizing there were some things I wanted that neither Pruett's nor Green Spray sells, and being unwilling to drive into Texas (if they will even let us in to the state: our R0 is higher than theirs and apparently Gov. Abbot is panicking a little.
So the state of my world today is not great.
At least I haven't had any pandemic nightmares for a couple of days.
Added: hey, I think it worked. If you can see this (and are allowed to comment, if comments aren't broken), could you let me know? Or e-mail me if it's visible but un-comment-on-able?
testing, though commenting on your own blog is like trying to applaud for yourself.
Definitely published. Don't know if commenting works, but then I never know if commenting works since there's generally no feedback.
Published. Now we'll see if comments work . . .
Yeah. I'm glad I'm not dealing wth it.
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