The biggest thing I've been working on lately is the One and Done shawl. I'm still not that far (three repeats of seven (plus some stuff at the end, and there are stitches that get dropped towards the end which I assume expands it)

There is a stellina thread running through the yarn so it has a little sparkle, but it's hard to see. I am not sure if a photo with flash helps:

The thing I'm probably working the *most* on is a pair of simple socks using Nancy Bush's "Yarrow Sock" pattern from her Vintage Socks book. This is one of Opal's wild-colored yarns. I like things that are obnoxiously bright, though usually I confine that to smaller items and accessories

This is just the first sock but I am done up past the gusset decreases. I'm not going to try to pattern-match in the second sock - this is a long repeat and I'd be afraid of not having enough yarn.
I will say it's been cool in the mornings here and some days I do just stick on a pair of wool socks with the dress I usually wear (working at home means you can dress however you want and no one cares - I usually put on a dress or a skirt and a top because I prefer those, but if I feel cold first thing in the morning I will stick on wool socks or else throw a small blanket over my shoulders)
So my socks are getting a *little* wear, even if we're entering the season where it's too warm for them.
I also pulled out what HAD been my knit-and-invigilate project and added a few more rounds to it while watching "Bob's Burgers" last night:

This is a simple mitt pattern ("Prairie Mitts") being knit of a Paton's sock yarn (pretty much the only kind I can get at the big-box type stores; this was obtained when JoAnn's was having a big sale on it last fall).
Also, something I ordered that was 100% an impulse/feeling sorry for myself purchase came today. These shoes were on a decent (20% off ) sale from Hot Chocolates, it was a color pattern I love (what I said about liking really obnoxious bright color combinations) and I wanted to try a pair of their wedgies (I cannot wear the high heels and would not even try: their original heels are 4" (!) heels and I know I'd break an ankle).
These are 2"

They are surprisingly wearable. So far I've only worn them in the house/out to get the mail, but I don't feel like I'm going to fall over or break an ankle in them. (I think wedge soles are a lot safer than high heels, also note that the wedge extends under the toes, so your foot isn't at such an extreme angle - which is why I think I have a hard time with regular pumps, it forces you into a different way of walking to have all your weight pushed forward onto the ball of your foot)
And they are....well, *I* think they're cute. Maybe someone else would think they were just loud.

And yes, I do have a couple of outfits these will go with; today I'm wearing my hot-pink M. Mac dress and they work well with it.
And I like being tall. I am like 5' 9" in these, and I can feel the difference.
And if nothing else, I can wear them in the house with my orthotics, and that's better for my knees and back than being barefoot is.
Also, I've found with the weighted blanket on my bed, I can actually sleep comfortably (psychologically) on my back - and that is better for my hips and lower back. (I wondered why my hip bursitis had quit nagging me and then last night I woke up to go to the restroom and realized "Wait, I'm sleeping on my back, maybe that's it" and I know a lot of orthopods say sleeping on your stomach is generally bad for your joints and back....but for me, it was a "feeling secure" thing and maybe the weighted blanket helps with that?)
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