I had a thought: my mother is probably going to hole up for a while (hopefully there is some kind of solution to this virus sooner rather than later) and while there's a grocery near her, she doesn't Internet and so....some things might be harder to get without going further abroad in public.
So I called her and told her if there was anything - more books, some specialty ingredient, some kind of drugstore-type supply - that she couldn't easily get or didn't want to go out for*, to call me and I would order it and have it sent to her. With Amazon even, I can have things sent to her on my Prime account and she gets them in 2 days....
It's a small thing but what I think I said earlier about how I panic less if there's something *tangible* I can do.
I really genuinely am less worried about myself: despite my asthma, I'm pretty robust and I rarely get sick as it is. But her, I worry about, given she's in the higher-risk age group (even if she is also very healthy).
(*If it gets really bad in her area? She has a chest freezer and lots of canned goods and she's pretty inventive, she could probably go a couple weeks without shopping for fresh groceries)
For me, I think as long as I can get to Pruett's, I'm just going to make sure to have as much ultrapasteurized milk in my fridge as I can fit - so as soon as I use a carton, buy a replacement, even if I have almost 2 gallons of milk in there already. (And I have canned milk in case worse comes to worst, at least for cooking with and maybe for in oatmeal or tea)
And yeah, I know, I'm *probably* being paranoid but overplanning has never failed me, and also, the thing about being a pessimist? When less than the worst happens, you're grateful.
I'm also being much more conscious about washing my hands after I walk out of class, because the stuff in the classrooms is stuff everybody touches, and again, while the virus isn't here yet, it's good to get that habit ingrained.
Heh. I guess I DID pick up a new "virtuous" habit for Lent; washing my hands more. God works in mysterious ways. (I used to be kind of lax about it, on the grounds of "I have a good immune system/I worry more about chemical pollutants than I do about J. Random Bacterium")
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