Thursday, February 27, 2020

So I'm 51....

For what it's worth, the "odometer" ticked over at 6:05 am EST (5:05 am, where I am). Yes, I have a copy of my birth certificate in  my files and it lists my time of birth. (it was in University Hospital, County of Monongalia, West Virginia - in Morgantown).

(Yes, Monongalia, I had to look that up, the nearby river is Monongahela and that was what I was remembering but the county uses a different form because it is "the county in which the river can be found")

No plans for today; it's going to be a busy day - two 75-minute classes (well, one is an exam) AND a faculty meeting AND a lab. (I mentioned in passing at a meeting last week that today is my birthday but I am not really holding out hope for "treats" at the meeting; I just packed my normal boring lunch).

I have a couple things from my mom to open this evening. A package is also scheduled to arrive but I suspect that's my big amazon order of some tinned smoked trout and tins of butter cookies - part of my "stock up now in case COVID-19 causes disruptions in deliveries of food" plan. (Really, all I can do, I think, is to practice good hygiene protocol - washing hands after human contact and before eating/rubbing my eyes and maybe being extra sure to take my shoes off right as I step in the house and plan ahead in case it might get a wee bit harder to get food. I am hoping stuff like fresh milk supplies are not disrupted; I depend a lot on milk, and neither canned milk nor reconstituted powdered is that great. I could use it in a pinch, but I would rather not. At least Pruett's carries the Fairlife brand and that's pretty good. My favorite, when I can get it, is Kroger's Organic line, but we don't have a Kroger in town....)

I did get a couple earlier presents.

An Eeyore watch, with no gift-note in the package (K, was that yours?) and a book of Botanical Knits and a lovely enameled Moomin mug (big enough to eat soup in) from Angie. And I got cards - the ones I listed before, plus one from my mom, plus one from my friend Mike at church with a really nice message in it.

Only other plan for today is to get carry out barbecue for dinner (probably pulled pork and....I don't know whether to try their smoked chicken this go round? Or get a couple ribs?) and maybe make a batch of brownies (Main Street bbq has changed their dessert offerings and now it is just cobbler, and no, that is NOT special enough!)

There is no bakery in town except the in-store one at Pruett's (they did have smallish cakes in a case....I suppose I could also consider stopping there and picking up an already made cake. And yes, it matters to me)

I am also somewhat regretting my Lent vow of "no unnecessary online shopping" because I feel a slight need for that comfort today. No, I won't break the vow, I am good at that, but....yeah. Right now we are in a cycle of bad political infighting, and a looming pandemic that we seem poorly-prepared to cope with, and another workplace shooting (in Wisconsin).

I'm telling myself that Saturday I can go OUT and support some semi-local businesses, but it feels long between now and then, and I also have a LOT of work to do between now and then so I CAN go....I will probably spend an hour or two here after my lab this afternoon prepping biostats.


Anonymous said...

Well, you can always avoid airports and chinese restaurants.
Assuming you aren't banned from both due to health.

Washing your hands is a ruddy idiotic thing to be telling people about a disease that we aren't even taught how to avoid catching during Mandatory Hospital Training. N99 is not certified to prevent this! (This is old news, my knowledge. But if hospital workers are catching the bug, that makes it easier to spread than TB and other things you use negative pressure rooms for.)

Not to worry you.

kbehroozi said...

Not mine. I sent you some comfort reading (well, my brand of comfort reading, anyway). Should arrive today.

Happy birthday! Lang may yer lum reek!

Jay said...

Happy Birthday, you youngster you! - Hope you enjoy your new grill.

Roger Owen Green said...

Happy birthday! I had the need to get my birth certificate recently. (I needed to get my father's birth cert, and the record of birth I got in '88 doesn't mention my parents!). And I discovered I was born at 3:11 p.m. My mother had told me I was born at 3:15 p.m. Will all my extensive astrological charts have to be redone? ;-)