And three classes in a row is just HARD. I joked today that I am now "I just need to sit quietly for five minutes" old but I think part of it is it's just taxing to teach three totally different subjects one after the other.
But, after lunch, I managed to write (by repurposing years-old ones unlikely to be in any passed-around file and writing some new questions in each) three exams and a quiz for next week. (Yeah: next week is not gonna be fun with the grading).
And then I came home at 3 (after my office hours ended). I decided I needed a big cup of tea because I have Bell Choir AND CWF tonight, and I was *tired*

Mug is from "Lenny Mudd" on Etsy. The tea in there is "Treat Yo'Self," chosen in part because it's not 100% black tea (so: less caffeine; I need a little but too much in the afternoon and I don't sleep). The remainder is "honeybush," which is similar to rooibos, but I like it better, because it tastes less "muddy." (Honeybush is in the legume family; genus Cyclopia. Rooibos is also a legume, I didn't know that...)
And, this was sitting on my porch when I got home, despite there being no regular mail today:

I will admit I was skeptical but the third-party seller DID come through for me this time! (I was expecting either the wrong item, or no package at all, or to be fobbed off with "we're having a hard time getting them, wait some unspecified length of time...")
So Theofanie (I am going with a more French spelling of it) is here.
I really, really love this doll. This is my favorite of all of the ones:

Her hair is very pretty and there are several nice clothing pieces in the set - a good pair of jeans, and some cute plaid shorts, and a cute shirtdress (that goes with some AMAZING rainbow-striped platform wedges:)

And there's also a coral-print skirt and a "Jaws" t-shirt:

Her name - Theofanie - is part of her backstory; her dad is a New Testament professor at the seminary in the town where she and Alex and Skye live, and so he and Theofanie's mom decided the name was fitting. Theofanie wants to be a marine biologist and she's interested in maps and cartography.
And Alex and Skye are her best friends:

All the clothes there are pieces that came with the Creatable World sets. They're clearly a cut above standard Barbie "playline" wear in terms of quality. (I'm really hoping they make additional clothes sets for these dolls, and that they're of comparable quality to these.
I really love these little dolls, they are so much fun to dress and pose and there's something nice about youthful dolls that represent kids at a still-somewhat-innocent age where kids have those passionate interests in making art or in nature or in books or music or whatever....
I love sheet music background
She is really cute. And those shoes are a knockout. I think I like her hair best of all.
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